As everyone knows Vegas is very dry and usually extremely warm. As a result, dehydration is rampant. To combat this I have a drink with me at all times. It's usually a refreshing Ten & Tonic or one of the many other drinks we here at VegasRy love. These beverages have been documented in great detail in several past posts and in many yet to come. By combatting dehydration, you'll have little concern about bottle lip which is very common in Vegas. (Bottle lip can also be prevented by drinking only non-bottled drinks.) Anyways, back to the real reason for this post. A lot of good things come from staying hydrated. To name a few: you're healthier, less of the aforementioned bottle lip, clearer complexion, enhanced libido etc. One downside does exist though and that is you will inevitably need to dispose of all that liquid at some point. And once you do, you'll need to more and more frequently throughout the day. As a result, you must keep this in mind when choosing where to gamble. I make sure to only shoot craps at a table that is near a public restroom. In the rare event that this table is rediculously hot and I have an uncontrollable urge, I can make a swift run to relieve my humanly needs and return in as little time as possible. Time is precious because you never know when the tide will turn and house edge will kill the momentum. It's best to scope out the casino for the best-accessed restrooms from the floor and then choose a gaming table or machine of your fancy nearby. Cheers!
Here is a map of Bellagio's Casino floor with the optimal location for gaming in relation to the nearest restroom.
1 comment:
Sadly not all casinos cater to those that follow this rule. (I'm looking in your direction Caesars...)
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