Celebrities love Vegas for all of the obvious reasons. They have money to spend and there is an endless list of ways to have a good time while throwing c-notes around. This is in addition to all the pampering they receive from the hotels in exchange for endless media attention. Many celebrities have become known as icons in this great city; George Clooney, Michael Jordan, and Charles Barkley to name a few. On the flip side many C list celebs have begun to try and spoil the Vegas name. Kevin Federline is one name comes to mind. Every other weekend we hear of him partying it up in Vegas as if he's some mega-baller. Granted, he may have money (thanks to the charitable Britney), but that in no way gives him Icon status.

I bring all of this up because I just learned that KFed's having his birthday party in Vegas on 3/24 and I'm writing in protest of his party and even existence in the city I love. Please join the boycott and let's hope he doesn't tarnish the city any further. He has a
search engine now and you can win prizes by seaching the web. Please don't humor him by using it as I'm sure its somehow funding his bash. Before I realized this was the motive of the site, I searched on "how to rid the planet of KFed?" Unfortunately, no results were found so we're just going to have to ignore him long enough until he finally realizes he's not welcome.
edit: Protest appears to be in full gear. Apparently, KFed also had a birthday party in LA scheduled for tonight which has now been cancelled. Hopefully the same will be true of Saturday's shindig. Thanks to a reader for the tip. Read about it
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